家長及學生分享 學生:Michael LEE 留學國家:澳洲 就讀院校:Taylor’s College 今日我想在此表達對楓葉教育升學服務由衷的感激!楓葉不但對學生的資料能夠深入解讀,提供非常准確到位的專業意見,而且效率之高令人驚喜無比! 僅僅用了一個月左右時間,楓葉教育升學幫我們篩選好學校,辦好所有手續,如今小兒已經快樂地飛到雪梨升學,就讀為期14周University of Sydney Taylor’s College HAPP,並將於來年二月升讀雪梨大學理學系。 沒有比較沒有驚喜!由於擔心小兒Dse 考試不理想,其實我早早在中五時便參加了不少海外升學展覽和講座,並填寫了許多學校的申請表格,雖然有收到預科錄取,但因推遲出國時間,錄取通知書修改數次之後,已經多次錯漏,深感無奈! 如預料小兒今年DSE放榜成績不理想,未能達到在香港升學的要求,所以又匆忙報名數家海外升學公司,感嘆各大展覽場報名學生之多,排隊之長我想諸多家長和學生都有不少感觸,一連參加了幾場升學展覽之後,本人和小兒的焦慮逐日直線上升,直至朋友介紹楓葉的Javis Wai給我。 初見Javis 溫文爾雅,非常帥氣,沒花多少時間已經把我混亂的頭腦從如何選擇加拿大、英國、澳洲眾多學校的團團轉中,理得清清楚楚,更出乎意料是竟然可以一對一地面見收生官而不用排隊!由於離開學時間緊迫,從收到正式取錄通知書、提交指紋、檢查身體、到得到簽證等等諸多繁雜手續,僅用了一個來月時間,效率之高令人咋舌! 非常之感恩遇見!更會毫不猶豫地介紹楓葉給各位有志趣海外升學的學子們,相信你們會得到一樣的真誠、專業且高效率的留學服務。 更祝福各位莘莘學子能夠順利地被取錄到心儀學校,也祝福各位家長能夠高枕無憂地把孩子交給楓葉教育。 來自一位家長的心聲! 學生:Megan LEUNG 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of Essex Before connecting with Maple, I had little knowledge about your organization. However, my initial interaction with Javis, followed by our meeting with you, Cindy, changed our perception completely. From the very beginning, Maple proved to be a game-changer in Megan’s education journey by offering a distinct and positive direction. On the day of Megan’s A-level results, she was filled with anxiety, even though she had been accepted by her insurance choice. It was at this crucial moment that Cindy reached out to us, offering her assistance, despite us not initially engaging Maple as our agent. We are extremely thankful for Cindy’s comprehensive analysis, insightful university selection, and professional advice. Cindy’s recommendation of the University of Essex immediately struck a chord with Megan. From the campus location to the course content, everything about Essex appealed to her. Cindy managed to swiftly process all the necessary applications and establish effective communication with the university, achieving remarkable progress within just 24 hours. I am particularly impressed with Cindy’s unwavering work ethic and attention to detail. She has been incredibly responsive to our questions and concerns, even outside of office hours, which truly showcases the core values expected from an agent. I have often told Megan that we should learn from Cindy’s work attitude, as her dedication and efficiency have been truly inspiring. Thanks to Cindy’s tireless efforts, Megan has received an offer from the University of Essex, and we have already confirmed subsequent processes such as accommodation, all in just one weekend. This experience of working with Cindy and Maple Oversea Education Centre has been incredible, and we wholeheartedly express our appreciation and gratitude to you all. I am certain that any parent or student in need of educational guidance will greatly benefit from the services provided by Maple Oversea Education Centre. I will not hesitate to recommend your organization to others, and I eagerly look forward to collaborating with you again in the near future for our younger daughter. 學生:Aisling LUK 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of Kent 我是經朋友介紹而認識到楓葉教育升學中心。 當年由於女兒報讀英國大學時時間好倉猝,無論是揀選大學或報讀科目,甚至如何申請英國各院校,我們都毫無頭緒。幸好我們遇到Cindy,她不但耐心,詳細的為我們提供所需的資料,而且更經常留言提點我們。 現在我女兒已順利入讀她心儀的院校,過著愉快的校園生活,這一切都有賴Cindy的寶貴經驗,專業的分析,以及中心職員的幫助。 此外,無論是在港申報期間抑或女兒遠赴英國後,Cindy也不厭其煩為我們解決很多難題,這點非常難能可貴。 在此衷心感謝Cindy,謹祝Cindy及中心仝人身體健康,中心業務蒸蒸日上。 學生:Ka Lam KWAN 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:Durham University It is really fortunate to find Maple, meet Cindy and her team and choose them as our consultant. Since we were previously preparing for National College Entrance Examination, we thought there was little chance to apply for universities abroad until we found Maple on Google. Through communication about basic information, we decided to choose Maple because it is a well-experienced and friendly organisation that uses their expertise in overseas education to help us to find the right University to be in. During the process of choosing universities, applying for universities and preparing for universities, Maple gave us numerous support. Cindy was always giving us clear and organised information and instructions of things that should be done next so that the whole process was able to be gone through smoothly. By analysing about major, location, environment and personal preference, we finally chose Durham University. After applying visa with Silvia’s help and successfully reach Durham, we are convinced that it is a choice that we would never regret. Durham university is spectacular, and it provides top-level study environment. Apart from above, they also gave advice in luggage packing as well, which really helped a lot. All in all, we are all very satisfied with the intimate services provided by Maple! Strongly recommend Maple Overseas Education if in need of educational help. Thanks again for Maple’s help! 學生:Shannon Wong 留學國家:Australia 就讀院校:University of Sydney 在這裏真心多謝Cindy and Maple Overseas Education Centre !她很有耐性和有禮貌地解答我所有問題。她很明白父母的憂慮。 還記得當初真的很憂心呀女的去向。參加了很多不同機構所舉辦的海外教育展覽為呀女作好準備。實在有太多選擇(英國、澳洲、加拿大)。其實一路都希望呀女可以留在香港繼續完成大學。可惜DSE成績未如理想不能入讀自己心儀的科目。 在這時候收到Maple Whatsapp 詢問呀女DSE情況,再了解多些海外升學資料。開始與Cindy聯絡。Cindy很有耐性地與我分拆呀女嘅情況還給與我很多有用和寶貴的意見。我們最終選擇了澳洲。我很信任Cindy因為她富有經驗,對答態度誠懇,做事細心,所有申請程序都不用我費心。 呀女上週剛到步Sydney了,希望她有一個美好的人生! 再次多謝Maple Overseas Education Centre和Cindy! 學生:M W Chui 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of Birmingham It was pretty much unbelievable to me, and also my sixth form which has really limited support for international applications, that it’s possible to get decent universities to choose from in Clearing. I was in a burnout when I did my exams, knew my A-levels wouldn’t be great the moment I walked out of the exam hall, but never expected to be 4 grades below my school and my predictions until Clearing happened on me. Waiting for results is a torture. Throughout the summer, I’ve been doing research on Clearing courses that might be available, it was a stressful time because I didn’t know how bad I did before the DAY. Felt directionless because there was nothing I could do to change something that had happened. Felt helpless because there was no one around to give constructive advice. Luckily, I listened to my mother’s and my friend’s advice, finally decided to get in touch with Cindy from Maple for help in Clearing. Having discussed possible options and sent her a list of courses I would like to apply to if things go wrong, that was when I felt my first sense of relief in the entire year: knowing there is a plan B for me to fall back on. On results day, my results were catastrophic. Cried a little, and unsurprisingly, my responsible UCAS advisor from school was away. But Cindy was there for me. If I could do the entire UCAS thing again, I would contact Maple for advice right from the start. Probably would have gotten more help from them than my sixth form, with less anxiousness along the way knowing there is someone out there, who cares about your future as much as you do. I believe finding Cindy for help had put me in a much better position in Clearing. Cindy and her colleagues helped me with ringing up to universities. Knowing I am in good hands as they must be experts having done this for years. When my peers who had also crashed A-levels were still in the long queue outside the Careers office, I already had 5 clearing offers for me to choose from: Cardiff University, University of Aberdeen, Queen Mary University of London, University of Glasgow and University of Birmingham. Yes, they aren’t incredible unis but they are more than decent for clearing I’d say. Had a hard time deciding between them, but I have not regretted my decision. Birmingham is a lovely city, I have friendly coursemates and passionate lecturers. I am enjoying the course Cindy got me, and am very excited about my next chapter in life! 學生:Jonathan Lam 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:Manchester Metropolitan University I want to express my sincere thanks for all your help with my applications to Master in Dietetics programs in the UK. I found your insights to be incredibly helpful in making informed decisions. You and your team are professional especially in handling my applications and visa preparation. Your expertise and attention to detail were evident throughout, ensuring a smooth and successful process. Therefore, I could focus on preparing for my interviews without stress. I know I made the right call by teaming up with you, especially since the university and city are awesome. Can’t wait to see where this journey takes me! Thanks again for everything. Warm regards, Jonathan Lam 學生:Janet LIU 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of Exeter My friend introduced Cindy to me at the beginning. In fact, I did not have much confidence to successfully get the offer from the school. When I received the offer from the school, it was unbelievable to me, and my English level was not very good. I did my best when I took the IELTS test and the moment I walked out I knew I might not pass the listening test. But Cindy at Maple has been there for me and has been giving me different advice. During the discussion, she explained to me patiently and gave me some suggestions. At first, I was afraid that I could not keep up with the progress. However, after careful consideration, Cindy decided whether this school was suitable for me, so I did not spend too much time to adapt to it when I arrived at the school. I am very happy to apply for my favorite university through Cindy’s help, and I am also very grateful to Maple Overseas Education for its help. 學生:P L KEUNG 留學國家:加拿大 就讀院校:University of British Columbia The university environment is really nice. She moved in to UBC’s residence yesterday. Thanks a million for all your help to us by relievibg us from a lot of hassels throughout the whole application process. 學生:Rex CHOI 留學國家:澳洲 就讀院校:Murdoch University 慶幸小兒在人生轉捩點中遇到Cindy,好多謝楓葉教育升學中心的顧問Cindy,她能夠提供專業意見及分析給我去了解更多有關海外升學資訊,令我可以更快帮兒子決定選擇哪個國家適合他繼續升學,在申請流程及辦理簽證手續很快的。申請其間,Cindy很耐心地去聆聽了解我所提出的疑問,她會好細心地講解步驟應如何處理,現在衷心感謝她的帮忙。 小兒在澳洲升學很開心,他很快就已經適應了當地生活。 祝楓業教育升學中心業務蒸蒸日上! 學生:Phoebe WONG 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of the West of England, Bristol 通過楓葉教育的幫助及升學服務下,我順利入讀心儀的大學。 選擇學校、科目、辦理簽證等,可以得到Cindy的幫助下,更加了解當中的程序。 很感謝Cindy的服務,當我有任何問題都樂意解答,亦會對於我們十分上心。 祝貴公司業務蒸蒸日上,謝謝。 學生:Mr. MA 留學國家:加拿大 就讀院校:Alexander College 自己畢業後出來打工已經很長一段時間,亦都有自己的家庭,看見加拿大推出Stream A,便想挑戰一下自己在外地生活,也為自己的未來增加多一個可能性。所以我年初便聯絡楓葉教育,讓他們幫我找學校。他們根據我的興趣和意向,為我挑選了Alexander College的商科Associate Degree課程。 我原本對加拿大的認識有限,亦不清楚以自己的學歷能夠讀什麼課程。是楓葉教育幫我行Mature Student的途徑為我爭取到學院錄取。 收到錄取信後,我也擔心我的年紀和家庭背景會影響我的學生簽證批核。但是楓葉教育對我的簽證處理很小心,亦協助我撰寫Study Plan,最終學生簽證亦順利批出。 現在已經到達Alexander College幾個月,適應十分良好。學院的設備很新,老師質素也很好,每一堂都是小班教學,就算我已經拋開書包多年,亦能跟上課程進度。 學生:Jade LAM 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of Exeter I want to share my positive experience with Maple Overseas Education, particularly with Cindy, my agent. Cindy provided much-needed guidance during a challenging time when I felt lost about my future. With her insightful advice, I navigated my academic journey to Abbey College Cambridge in the UK and, subsequently, the University of Exeter. Cindy’s in-depth knowledge, empathy, and dedication were truly invaluable. Furthermore, Cindy and her team assisted with my VISA application process, answering all my questions patiently and promptly, easing my worries during a stressful period. I wholeheartedly recommend Maple Overseas Education to anyone considering studying abroad. 學生:Anson CHAN 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of Sussex Thank you, Cindy, this is to appreciate what you have served our family. Our son, Anson started with foundation study early this year, you have helped us to find a suitable school and helped us find every possible option. Your service not only help us to find an option to study at the UK but also follow up to arrange the arrival service and even take care of the feeling of our son when he arrived. We wish your professional service can keep going onward and have a good future. We are willing to introduce other families to your service in case they are looking for oversea study. Thanks a lot, your professional service is very helpful and useful. 學生:Nicholas HO 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:INTO University of East Anglia 我覺得你們教育顧問團隊,能夠按照每個同學的情況及需要,制定長遠升學計劃策略。就選擇升學國家、選校、選科等各範疇給予專業而合適的分析及意見。 我們之前還未決定去澳洲還是去英國留學好,之後聯絡了楓葉教育升學中心Cindy, 她提供了很多寶貴意見,所以最後我們決定揀選英國讀基礎班銜接大學課程。 還有出發前提點我們準備的事項等等,實在幫了我們很多。 在這裏再次多謝楓葉教育育下中心的團隊! 學生:Gabriel POON 報讀國家:加拿大 獲取錄院校:University of Waterloo Hi Silvia, Gabriel and I are so much thankful for your extraordinary services in helping Canadian universities application. Frankly, both UCL and UofW are renowned schools. Each of them has its own strength which attracts tons of students to apply every year. After weighing their world rankings and years of Master degree completion, Gabriel picked UCL in the end. My girl is a grade 11 student in Toronto and I will probably text you and seek your advice again. Take care and we are truly blessed to have you, an excellent consultant, to help Gabriel for the past few months. 學生:Clovis HO 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:Ashville College 從眾多升學教育中心中,楓葉用心地了解學生的需求和優點去選配合適的學校。尤其Javis及Cindy的專業意見、耐心的講解、過程中的跟進,家長與學校間的聯系、以至到達後的安排都做得很妥當;小朋友亦很快已適應當地校園生活。 謝謝楓葉教育的升學服務! 祝 楓葉教育業績輝煌、學生出類拔萃! 學生:Jimmy LAM 留學國家:澳洲 就讀院校:University of Adelaide Cindy, 多謝你由開始到而家,跟阿仔個case都好詳細、有耐心咁解釋文件上或者係各樣事情上解釋我哋知,因為我哋真係完全冇經驗同埋唔認識,好多嘢都真係唔清楚嘅,但你都好有耐性--去解釋俾我哋知,真係非常專業,如果有朋友啲仔女去外國讀書,我一定會介紹比你架👌😁 學生:Ken Tam 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:Durham University I am very grateful to Maple Overseas Education for arranging the foundation course of Durham University for my son. Cindy was very helpful and professional throughout the whole process. She guided my son on how to apply for the course using his result in Secondary School – Form 5. She also helped him prepare for the application process. Thanks to her, my son was able to secure a place in the foundation course, which will enable him to pursue his dream degree at Durham University. I highly recommend Maple Overseas Education to anyone who is looking for a reliable and supportive education agency. 學生:MAN Yat Lok 留學國家:加拿大 就讀院校:University of Toronto The Maple Overseas Education was super helpful. Whenever I had any doubts or questions regarding studying abroad, like VISA requirements and university application procedures, Javis and Silvia always replied as quickly as they could and strove their very best to help me. They were also very kind and patient all along the way. I would definitely recommend their service to any other students. 學生:Ryanna SIN 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:Ashville College 您好,我是Ryanna爸爸,首先非常感謝Cindy這一年幾的幫助及意見。 回顧一年幾前在網上搜尋北愛爾蘭學校資料時,見到楓葉教育升學中心舉辦完北愛爾蘭講座,便致電去詢問資料,就第一次接觸教育顧問Cindy。當時已經在電話裏好詳細講解關於北愛爾蘭嘅教育資料,第一次在電話裏已經詳談大約20分鐘,這位教育顧問已經給我留下深刻印象,之後我和太太商量後決定讓女兒遠赴英國留學,於是第一時間就聯絡楓葉教育升學中心顧問Cindy。 Cindy是一位經驗豐富,非常熟悉整個流程運作,如學校面試、申請學生visa 及安排當地監護人等等……都給了好多寶貴意見。當我們遇到問題時,Cindy都會馬上為我們解決問題,這位顧問除咗會用文字解答外還會錄音講解,這一點令我非常欣賞。 今年2022年我女兒終於遠赴英國留學,可以令我們放下心頭大石,因為這一年我們非常緊張,因為都係第一次籌備女兒留學,幸好有楓葉教育升學中心顧問Cindy 及貴公司所有員工幫忙。 現在衷心感謝教育顧問Cindy 專業細心的幫助 及祝貴公司業務蒸蒸日上,各人身體健康,謝謝。 學生:NG Ting Wang 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:d’Overbroeck’s College We have taken Maple Overseas Education services to find and enroll at D’overbroeck’s, one of the well-known sixth form colleges in Oxford. Our Consultant Mr Javis Wai helped me and my son through the application procedures. He offered all the required help from applying, seating admission tests, visa filing and advised me on the travel and post arrival. His work has exceeded our expectations and I appreciated him a lot. I would recommend Maple Overseas Education to any person hoping to study abroad. My son is now enjoying his study in the boarding house and he has joined the school basketball team to meet more local friends. I would like give my great thanks to Maple Overseas Education team. 學生:Matthew HUNG 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of Liverpool International College 通過楓葉教育的升學服務,我兩個兒子順利入讀心儀的英國中學和大學。 在選擇學校、辦理入學和申請簽證的繁複過程中,得到貴中心Cindy很多專業的意見和貼心的服務。十分感謝Cindy無微不至的服務,妳每一步跟進到位的責任心,令到在全球疫情影響下更顯繁複的升學之路變得平坦暢順。 學生:Marco WONG 留學國家:澳洲 就讀院校:University of New South Wales Hi! 大家好!我是透過楓葉教育的服務來到澳洲這邊讀書的。 首先,我要非常感謝楓葉教育,有一個如此專業的團隊在我留學前提供了不少專業的諮詢意見和服務。來到澳洲之後,亦為我提供了不少幫助,令我可以跟快投入大學的生活裏。 我很感激當初Cindy根據我自身需求和情況,為我物色了不少不同國家地區的大學,亦非常詳細介紹每個大學的特色和優勢,令我可以更有效率地選擇真正適合自己的學校。我亦都很感激楓葉教育在我來到澳洲後,面對人生地不熟的情況,依然不厭其煩地解答我嘅疑惑,提供了非常有質素的留學和售後服務!所以我都好感恩可以遇到一個如此專業有質素的留學顧問亦都很推薦大家使用Maple Overseas Education 的服務! 學生:Ada CHU 留學國家:澳洲 就讀院校:University of Western Australia My friend suggested that I contact Maple to assist me with managing my studies in Australia. And Cindy serves as the middleman. She initially received a recommendation from the school, enrolled, was accepted by the institution, and then filed for a visa. The process ran very smoothly throughout. I was pursuing an associate’s degree prior to going to Australia to study. I applied to three universities in Western Australia with Cindy’s assistance. All of them eventually received letters of admission. I ultimately decided on the University of Western Australia, where I was awarded a scholarship and a year of credit exemption. Overall, every stage of the procedure was very well followed. Cindy would also contrast the subjects of various schools, which increased my awareness of the institution and the courses I was taking and allowed me to enter the suitable university without incident. I wholeheartedly urge everyone to choose Cindy as their study abroad advisor. 學生:Timothy LI 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:Durham University 感謝楓葉教育升學中心顧問團隊在過去兩年為我們子女升學提供優質、貼心、個人化的專業服務。我們有幸遇到 Cindy,她為我們提供了非常寶貴的專業分析及意見。尤其在全球疫情下,Cindy提供專業高效的協助,幫助兒子能順利入讀心儀的大學,非常感激。 學生:Vania NGOK 留學國家:加拿大 就讀院校:Fraser International College 感謝Maple楓葉教育升學中心職員專業意見以及悉心安排令我們很快便申請到FIC, 並且可以好迅速地為女兒申請得到學生簽証。 貴 中心職員的積極態度,有如家長般緊張孩子升學。當家長遇到疑問時都能夠一一耐心解答及協助,令到本人對貴 中心非常有信心將升學事宜交予給你們。 最後本人及女兒非常多謝Maple楓葉教育的專業精神! 學生:Ken TANG 留學國家:澳洲 就讀院校:University of Sydney I’m Ken’s mother and would like to express my gratitude to Cindy and her teammates for providing invaluable advice and services to my son for his pathway to the University of Sydney. We have limited knowledge in getting my kid to study abroad, let alone the countless tedious tasks required for the application and enrollment processes. Cindy has all the patience and commitment in giving us thoughtful advice in selecting a suitable university and faculty based on the very own needs of Ken. She and her team also provided very helpful guidance for us to smoothly complete various preparation tasks. Ken has just started his university journey. Thanks again for all the efforts everybody in Maple made in helping us! 學生:Kyle CHOY 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:Ipswich School 很高興阿囝已順利在心儀的英國寄宿學校入讀A-level!由選校、考入學試、申請VISA,以及到上機前的準備,Cindy都很細心地給我們中肯的意見及安排,遇到什麼問題她都很樂意解答及回應。 很感恩遇到Cindy,她真的幫了我們很多!我一定會推薦Maple Education給親友! 學生:Cynthia LAM 留學國家:澳洲 就讀院校:The University of Adelaide College 感謝Maple Education和Cindy由選校到辦理簽證的無微不至,她會經常分享自身的經驗,減低本人的緊張感。在尋找了很多中介都不太適合下,從網上找到了Maple Education。Cindy先與我電話會談,她人很好,為我詳細解說,然後到中心會面時,也會不厭其煩地解說,希望學生真的了解後,再作選擇,她很專重學生的意見。 到外國升學是個對自已很大的挑戰,但是Cindy從旁給你很多協助,還安排了我的家人與學校代表面談,增加了對學校的信心。 在選校方面,已她的推薦下,本人選擇了阿德萊德這個地方,能讓我專心學業,好好享受校院生活。 本人大力推薦Maple Education及希望公司能有更好的發展,更多學生能接受你們的幫助。 學生:Hewitt WONG 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:Glasgow International College 謝謝楓葉教育升學中心Cindy 的高效率協助,給予貼心的專業意見,在極短時間下,能夠快速及順利前往英國升學。 學生:Xeria ZHANG 留學國家:加拿大 就讀院校:York Region District School Board 感謝楓葉教育升學服務的幫助,我們從毫無頭緒到現在順利為小朋友找到適合的中學,開始了在加國的求學之路!全靠楓葉教育的升學顧問,每一步耐心細緻地提供專業意見,他們的團隊真的很棒!值得信賴! 學生:Justin BUT 留學國家:加拿大 就讀院校:International College of Manitoba 多謝Maple楓葉教育升學中心協助我搵到一間在加拿大Winnipeg市Manitoba 省大學。恊助我的顧問Javis提供專業意見,而且整個團隊做事有效率。 現在已開學一個月,感覺非常良好,在這裹學習自由自在,是我要的理想學校。 學生:Wesley CHENG 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:INTO University of Exeter 感謝楓葉教育Cindy在這十個月的協助!我們一家在開始時,真的是毫無頭緒,不知如何揀科目和大學,但妳不厭其煩和有耐心地給予我們尊業意見,及後直至Wesley上機前還叮囑他,到步要向妳報平安。真的沒法形容及想像,那份好比一家人的感覺,會在現今這個商業社會出現。 我們一家非常非常感謝Cindy妳! 學生:Steven LU 留學國家:加拿大 就讀院校:The University of British Columbia 去年,我兒子准備申請出國讀大學時,在網上Maple Overseas留學顧問公司,去咨詢時得到老師熱情接待,并把他們多年申請資源給我們看,我們一看很有信心,立即報名。之後,工作人員跟得非常緊,教我們拿三年學校成績,并寫好自我介紹,做好大學要求報告,每週教申請學生看信箱郵件。UBC與SFU大學很快發來預録通知,DSE成績出來後,我們選擇了UBC大學計算機科學專業,現在已經順利入學了,謝謝所有公司和所有幫忙工作人員! 學生:Kathy WONG 留學國家:英國 就讀院校:University of Exeter 感激當初Cindy根據我的情況,為我尋找了不少大學,亦仔細地向我介紹每間大學的特點,再選擇真正適合自己的學校。而且當我有問題的時候Cindy都樂意解答並提供寶貴的意見,減少我對升學的疑慮。 感謝楓葉教育升學中心顧問團隊,祝 貴公司業務蒸蒸日上。 學生:Jason HUI 留學國家:加拿大 就讀院校:University of Toronto 我們十分滿意Maple Education的協助 – 從填寫申請文件到獲取加拿大讀書簽証,過程非常順利。在此特別感謝Silvia小姐耐心的解説我們的疑問,適時跟進個案,讓學生如期到多倫多大學升學。我們誠意推薦Maple Education。